Wednesday, July 16, 2008

pHion’s pH Stix: pH Testing Strips to Test pH Level of Body

pH Stix are simply the best, most effective, most economical, most recommended pH testing strips available today. pHion’s pH Stix is one of the leading pH test strips to test the pH level of your body.

Advantages of pH Stix - pH Test Strips

  • Super-sensitive pHion pH Stix gives you an extremely accurate reading of how acidic or alkaline your tissues really are.
  • As pHion testing strips are separated in small 0.25 unit increments, you’ll know down to the decimal what your pH is.
  • Unlike regular pH paper, pHion double indicator pH strips are super easy to read.
  • pHion’s pH Stix can test both urine and saliva to give you the most complete picture of your pH.
  • pHion’s pH Stix is more accurate, more versatile, and easier to read than litmus paper, yet they’re surprisingly affordable.
To know more about the pHion pH Stix, please visit the site