Friday, December 5, 2008

Acid-Alkaline Foods Chart and Recipes

Food consumption in the most advanced countries of the world has changed from nutritious raw foods to highly processed foods, very low in nutritional value. That’s why it is of utmost importance, for our health, to find the ideal balance of alkaline and acid forming foods. A simple way to begin this alkalizing lifestyle program is to increase the amount of alkalizing foods and reducing the amount of acidic foods that you consume.

  • Effects of Alkalizing Foods: When the body is alkaline, viruses, yeast and cancer cannot attack and all your health problems go away.
  • Effects of Acidic Foods: When the body is acidic, yeast, bacteria, viruses and cancer can more easily thrive and minerals like calcium are leached from our bones.
When you properly manage the delicate balance between acidic and alkaline elements in your body you’ll find that many of your "health problems" will vanish. Therefore, pHion offers “Acid-Alkaline Foods Chart and Recipes” to give its customers a listing of foods that are both alkalizing and acidic in nature to help them solve their own health puzzle and restore their pH balance by implementing the information found in this guide.

To download “Acid-Alkaline Food Charts and Recipes” from pHion, please visit the site