Sunday, April 26, 2009

Alkaline Drinking Water for Proper Hydration

Do you know that your body is over 70% water? Most of the water can be found in the blood, lymph, inside cells, and the fluids that surround your cells. Not only does water serve to nourish and deliver nutrients to each of the 50 trillion cells in your body, it also acts as a septic tank for your entire system, removing all of the waste, acids and toxins that your cells produce as a result of simply doing their jobs.

Water comes in many different forms and most of them are not at all fit for your body. Water can be pure or impure, alkaline or acidic, mineral rich or mineral poor, oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor, structured or unstructured. When it comes to your health, the quality of water that you put into your body is as important as how much you put into your body. When your body isn’t properly hydrated, your energy will be depleted, you can’t lose that extra weight, and above all these other health issues aren’t going to go away.

Therefore, it is almost imperative to drink alkaline drinking water for proper hydration. To maintain pH Balance in your body, pHion offers high pH alkaline drinking water. To learn more about alkaline drinking water to improve your health, cure diseases, and reverse the signs of aging, please visit the site